
Case Study: Workflow Management of Parliamentary Questions

The Parliament has adopted the policy of 'write once, publish everywhere' and aims to speed the workflow from document creation to the website. An example of this can be found in the procedures and processes that have been set up to speed the answering and publishing of Parliamentary Questions (PQs). A PQ is generally issued by an MSP in writing. Microsoft Word templates exist for the creation of a PQ and if necessary a hand-written PQ will be entered manually. Once it is in the correct format the PQ can be checked against the same question in Westminster's database POLIS. If the question has been asked recently, the MSP is referred to the previous answer. Otherwise the PQ is sent electronically to the Scottish Executive for answering and is published in the Business Bulletin on the website next morning.

For a written answer, the report comes back electronically from the Executive in a prescribed format, which allows it to be published directly on the website by the next morning. The answers are then published in the Written Answers Report at the end of the week. Finally it will be indexed and added to the Westminster database POLIS. This closes the loop to make sure that if the same question is asked again, the same answer can be used.

By defining and refining the procedures and processes, the Parliament is ensuring that not only is the PQ answered as quickly as possible, but also that the answer is published on the website with the minimum of delay.

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