
Oracle at Conoco

The North Sea Exploration Unit of Conoco, the international energy production group, has the responsibility for locating oil and gas deposits. However their work is not finished once a deposit has been found and the decision has been made to drill. They have to draw on additional expertise, in order that the maximum output from the drilling is maintained, by optimising the drilling paths. Unless the Unit has access to existing stored data, the work can be unnecessarily difficult.

Conoco called on Oracle to bring together their operational and legacy databases to enable them to look for similarities across their operations. The end solution was an integrated document management solution that allows users to access, and if necessary edit, any kind of information in any format stored anywhere in the company. To enable them to achieve this aim, Oracle put together a data warehouse with their ConText advanced search engine.

"In addition to the normal search facilities that users come to expect from a search engine, ConText can be used to perform in-depth linguistic analysis of an English script document and produce a 'theme' from it" says Oracle's Business Intelligence Marketing Manager, Chris Ward. "This allows queries to be performed to retrieve documents based on the main topics and concepts found in the documents."

All the paper documents from the North Sea Exploration Unit, including correspondence, faxes and procedures were scanned and OCR'd together with image files and Microsoft Office files into Oracle's Universal Server. "The state of the art search engines can perform diagram searches and can almost perform facial recognition."

The human interface to the search engine was chosen as Netscape's browser since it was already widely used throughout the Conoco. "You need a simple presentation tool" said Ward, "and the standard is web-based."

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